Now that we are officially halfway through 2023, what is your current game of the year?

For me, it's Planet of Lana. I don't normally play games like this, but decided to give this one a shot after hearing some good things about it. It was a very unexpected surprise! Planet of Lana was a beautifully crafted game with a wonderful story and awesome soundtrack. It is on the shorter side compared to the other games on this list, however, I thought it was the perfect length for the type of puzzle game that it is.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor holds a close second place right now. Survivor improved on everything I wanted it to from Fallen Order while delivering an amazing story with one of the best sequences I've ever played in gaming (if you've played the story, you know exactly which part I'm talking about.) The story alone would make this my game of the year. There are some Force Tears that are a bit crazy to complete that would prevent it from claiming the #1 seed.

Hogwarts Legacy sits in third having captured nostalgia I never knew was there. I was never a big Harry Potter fan growing up and I was initially not going to play this game. After watching an extended gameplay video that was released shortly before the game launched, I liked what I saw and bought it. After playing the game, it led me to buy all of the Harry Potter books as I have never read them before, and rewatch the movies. This magical adventure captured my heart. I haven't finished the story yet as I have been exploring, capturing fantastic beasts, and having a grand'ol time being a wizard. Once I finish the story, Hogwarts Legacy's place on my list may change.

Diablo IV is in fourth place for me currently. Although I've played this game the most out of the four I have mentioned here today, almost 100 hours, there were story elements and gameplay mechanics that would prevent it from taking first place. (POTENTIAL STORY SPOILERS AHEAD) Freewill is a major topic in the campaign, yet they remove that element in not allowing you to make a major choice in the story. I also feel hindered when upgrading my class. Yes, you can customize your class as you like, yet if you want to have the most powerful one which seems necessary if playing alone, you have to follow a specific upgrade path. I had originally had my sorcerer as an all fire mage, which as I got into higher world tiers was not working out. I was also unable to find gear that enhanced fire abilities. Turns out, an all fire mage is one of the weakest builds in the game and I changed it to the shock and ice combo that is the strongest build. There is also a copious amount of sorcerer gear that compliments ice and shock abilities. So while I enjoy playing the game, having to edit my class to be able to play alone without problems and not have to party up was a major detractor.